44444 - Jacky Liu's Blog


Jacky Liu posted @ 2013年4月01日 13:10 in 未分类 , 3865 阅读

    ---- A very lucky day for this blog, thank you my visitors and congratulations to me ! Play on ~


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依云 说:
2013年4月04日 00:43


Jacky Liu 说:
2013年4月04日 01:27

@依云: 哦,那个叫“revolvermaps”(图里左下角)。网站在这里:http://www.revolvermaps.com/?target=setup 我以前偶然看见的。在里头选一个配置,把代码拷下来,然后进 工作台>>外观>>边栏 加一个自定义边栏,代码贴进去就行了。

依云 说:
2013年4月04日 21:54

@Jacky Liu: 哦。可是它被 adblock plus 干掉了呢……

Jacky Liu 说:
2013年4月06日 21:43

@依云: 有个问题请问你一下:我这次装机安装的 fcitx 跟以前不一样了,以前整个候选词列表都可以按词频调整,但现在第一个候选词总是不受词频影响,这个词总是没用的,从第二个候选词往后才按词频调整。比如我打“diyige”,那么第一个候选词总是“地一个”而不是“第一个”。我搜不到原因,也没找到怎么改掉这么脑残的行为。知道这是怎么回事吗?

Jacky Liu 说:
2013年4月06日 21:48

@依云: 补充下,我在配置文件里只开启了 google 拼音,其他的后台输入法都禁了。

依云 说:
2013年4月07日 13:44

@Jacky Liu: 我也不清楚,你找 yyc 或者 csslayer 问问吧。

依云 说:
2013年4月07日 13:46


Jacky Liu 说:
2013年4月08日 10:46

@依云: 试了把 googlepinyin 改成 pinyin,好了。可能是后台输入法的问题。

gmail sign up 说:
2018年8月24日 15:26


SSO rajasthan gov 说:
2022年8月02日 15:39

Rajasthan government created eMitra Single Sign On login which is a one stop solution for all citizen related services. This includes UIDAI such as Aaadhar and many more. There are a lot of different features and services such as Jan Aadhar which is a type of Aadhaar only for the citizens of Rajasthan. Along with services the portal also include Bhamashah, Udhyog for Business and Government employee SPIF. SSO rajasthan gov Being a citizen of Rajasthan is a good thing since you get to completely register all the above different services by simply signing up for eMitra SSO. After going to complete all the registration which requires lots of document details and information that needs to fill for application form. Sometimes you might get confuse and require their helpline number to solve certain issues which discuss in the article.

MP 11th Model Paper 说:
2022年8月16日 21:56

The Intermediate education system in this State is governed and controlled by the MP board. Additionally, it addresses numerous educational tasks including setting curriculum, holding tests, and accrediting universities. All of the educational institutions in this state are likewise governed and managed by this board. MP 11th Model Paper 2023 The MP Plus One Previous Paper 2023 for these examinations will be available very soon on the official website of MP Board, which is the board that administers the 9th+2 test each year. In the previous academic year (2013), the MP Board Class 11th examinations were also held. MP Plus One Previous Paper 2023 The procedures listed below would be extremely helpful for checking the MP Board Class 11th Important Question Paper 2023.

Alyssa 说:
2023年1月05日 18:56

Today is a lucky day for this blog. Thank you to all of my visitors for your support, and congratulations to me on reaching this Full Spectrum CBD Oil milestone. I'm excited to continue growing and sharing my work with all of you. Thank you again, and best wishes for continued luck in the future.

CIBIL custoahow to c 说:
2023年1月21日 21:54

CIBIL is an organization and an entity gathers all the consumer’s loan, credit, payment and money related transaction, and this gives a general behavior example and statics allowing to generate a score for each customer also calls as CIBIL score. how to check CIBIL score Check CIBIL score is before you try to apply for a home loan, want to buy something new on EMI, or need to request any credit facility for a loan, then the primary thing they would look for is what is your CIBIL score to be precise.

हिन्दी-सवाल-पत्रों.c 说:
2023年5月19日 19:34

Professional writers have joined forces to create the Hindi question paper as part of their commitment to providing thorough news coverage of current events around the nation (India). Our team is made up of professional writers and citizen journalists with a wide range of journalism interests who are committed about delivering education updates in the public interest while maintaining transparency.हिन्दी-सवाल-पत्रों.com Our reporting team plans to release the Education & Recruitment Update for all age groups and provide inside coverage to show the real picture of current occurrences. As we want to provide news divided into General, Political, Crime, Sports, Entertainment, Education, and World News, our goal is to meet the needs of people of all age groups.

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